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Generative AI for visual content creation. Logo generation

Generative AI automates visual content creation by producing images, designs, and animations according to predefined parameters, streamlining creativity and productivity across industries.
Use case examples:
Advertising and Marketing
  • Generate personalized advertisements and promotional materials tailored to individual customers based on their preferences and demographics.
  • Create visually appealing social media content such as images, GIFs, and short videos for marketing campaigns.
  • Automatically generate product images from textual descriptions, enabling quick creation of visuals for new products.
Publishing and Media
  • Generate illustrations and artwork for books, magazines, and digital publications.
  • Automatically generate thumbnails, cover images, and other visual content for online articles and videos.

Our logo generator demo – it's a great example of a generative AI task! Harnessing deep learning, it whips up custom logo designs in a snap. With just one click, you'll see a variety of design ideas, giving you a sneak peek into what your brand-new logo might resemble.

Follow these steps to test the demo:

Type the text you'd like to turn into a logo ('Positive prompt') OR select a preset.
Click 'Generate' and get the result

Try Ready Presets!

* Prompt:
Create a logo for the electronics store called "WireShark". Use a blue and white color theme. Draw a silhouette of a shark.
* Prompt:
A modern logo for the grocery store called "Pepper". Use green, red, and yellow colors. Use vegetables in the background.
* Prompt:
Logo for the science fiction TV show called "Expansion". Use colors blue, red, and black. Use planets in the background.
* Prompt:
Create a bright logo for the car service called "AutoTech". Use the exact name of the company. Apply grey color with silver accents.


* Prompt:

Your result will appear here

Remember, the demos presented on our platform are still not the final products. Instead, think of them as the foundation typically laid at the start of a project.
As the project makes progress, models and methods will be refined through iterative training on your datasets, and customized pre-processing and post-processing to meet your business needs.

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