
Face restoration in blurry images

Face restoration in blurry images is used for enhancing the quality and clarity of facial features in pictures, improving visual recognition and aesthetic appeal.

Use case examples:
Forensic Investigation
Face restoration in photos aids forensic investigators in reconstructing facial features of unidentified individuals from blurry or damaged images, assisting in criminal investigations and identifying suspects or victims.
Medical Imaging
In medical imaging, face restoration techniques can enhance the clarity and detail of facial features in diagnostic images, improving the accuracy of medical assessments and aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of facial injuries or abnormalities.
Face restoration in photos enhances the quality of portrait photography by correcting blurriness, improving facial details, and restoring natural appearance, resulting in more visually appealing and professional-looking images for various applications such as marketing, advertising, and personal use.

Our Face Restoration demo highlights the capabilities of modern computer vision technology to restore low-quality or blurry images of faces. Upload your image and watch as the deep learning model recovers facial features and details in the image.

Follow these steps to test the demo:

Upload a low-quality photo of a face
Click ‘Process File’ and get the result
action-gif Running ...
Drag and drop file here Limit 10 MB per file * PNG,JPEG,JPG or
Remember, the demos presented on our platform are still not the final products. Instead, think of them as the foundation typically laid at the start of a project.
As the project makes progress, models and methods will be refined through iterative training on your datasets, and customized pre-processing and post-processing to meet your business needs.


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